We communicate – beyond borders
At Sprachenfabrik, it all started with our international language services. This division saw us make a name for ourselves and grow consistently. Here you can find information on all our linguistic expertise that we have been offering successfully for many years and counting – and that we continually adjust for you based on new trends and technologies.
Whether it’s German, English, French, Swedish, Hungarian, Japanese, Arabic or Tigrinya, we can draw on the skills of experienced language experts who we deploy according to their qualifications and specialisms – and that in more than 40 languages. The most common languages in our day-to-day business are the European and Central and South American languages, but we are also well acquainted with Asian and African languages. What’s more, our excellent global network means we can also offer numerous far-flung languages including dialects and language variants. Just get in touch! We’d be happy to advise you on your desired target language.
We are fluent in:
- All common European, Central and South American, Asian and African languages
- Numerous far-flung languages
- Various dialects and language variations
Translation begins with understanding
Whether it’s a technical text, marketing message or an instruction manual, a good translation has to do more than just accurately convey the source’s content – it also has to strike the right chord in terms of tone. That’s exactly why we work exclusively with native-speaking translators who can demonstrate they have relevant professional qualifications. And in more than 25 languages at that.
Every language has its own quirks, sayings and cultural characteristics. Our specialist translators always look to communicate your content precisely in the other language in terms of the meaning and target audience, rather than word for word.
And because four eyes see more than two, proofreading is part and parcel of our quality assurance procedure – we process every text with the help of not one, but two native-speaking specialist translators upon request.
Are you curious as to whether we translate into, say, Kurdish or Malay? Just ask! We’ll find a solution, even for the most far-flung languages.
We translate texts from a wide range of specialist fields, including:
- Marketing
- Public relations
- Human resources
- Technology
- Law
- Finance
We offer all these services for a variety of products, such as:
- Magazines
- Technical documentation
- Annual reports
- CR and CSR reports
- Contracts
- Websites
- Presentations
Machine Translation
Making the best use of resources
Are you looking to translate your documents – such as technical documentation or manuals – and ideally to save on costs at the same time? Are you happy with a translation that is correct in terms of content and language?
Then machine translation (MT) and subsequent post-editing is just the solution for you! An MT tool translates your text, before our qualified, native-speaking specialist translators review and edit the output. We would be happy to verify the ‘post-editability’ of your texts and provide a non-binding quote.
Or perhaps you would like more information about machine translation and post-editing first, or you want to broaden your expertise in this field. In that case, we are happy to provide you with our German-language white paper ‘Maschinelle Übersetzung – Allzweckwaffe in jeder Lage?’ – Wann Unternehmen auf maschinelle Übersetzungen setzen sollten (‘Machine translation – an all-purpose weapon for any situation?’ – When companies should count on machine translations) free of charge. Just send an email with your contact details to
This is what Machine Translation means for us:
- Checking the text in terms of suitability for machine translation and subsequent post-editing
- Selection of the most suitable MT tools based on the subject area, language combination and type of text
- Machine translation and post-editing in a CAT tool, i.e. existing client terminology and translation memories are factored in
- Cost and time savings of up to 40% compared to human translation
We work according to the standard DIN ISO 18587:
- We ensure that the MT output has not left out or added any information.
- We edit unsuitable content.
- We make precise adjustments for a grammatically, syntactically and semantically correct text that reads well stylistically.
- We adhere to client specific terminology.
Proofreading & Proofreading+
Creating distance from the text is key
There’s nothing more irritating than errors. And if such an error crops up in the company magazine that is distributed to your international clients across 15 countries, this irritation could quickly become a crisis.
But have no fear, the solution is easier than you’d think! Simply get someone with the necessary language skills and critical distance from the text to have a look through it. Luckily enough, we have a pool of trained editors at our disposal ready and able to rigorously edit your specialist text according to professional criteria. We would be happy to go through your German texts with a fine-toothed comb – or texts in any other language for that matter.
On request, we can also factor in your corporate writing style and company-specific terminology to ensure that the text fits in seamlessly with your other communications media.
When proofreading, we check the following:
- Spelling
- Punctuation
- Syntax
- Typography
Proofreading+ covers everything above plus the following:
- Content
- Style
- Tone
Copywriting (SEO)
Sound, professional, convincing texts
Whatever your business is, ours is language. We’ve got you covered for any copy you need, from technically precise product descriptions to your company chronicle – and that in the languages of your choosing.
We offer the following copywriting services:
- Delivery of complete texts as per the client brief, from product descriptions and trade fair presentations to press releases and company chronicles
- Tailored writer selection from a pool of experienced copywriters and authors with a range of specialisms including business, fashion, lifestyle and technology
- Revision of pre-existing texts
Voiceover & Subtitling
When images alone aren’t enough
Multimedia is an integral part of modern corporate communications, yet production often requires a lot of time and effort, and what’s more, it comes at a price. That’s why it makes financial sense to distribute this content as widely as possible – internationally, even.
We can provide voiceovers and subtitles for your multimedia productions in numerous foreign languages. And not only that – we can provide professional narrators or even carry out the entire recording process for you in a professional studio as required.
So, what can you expect from us?
- Transcription and translation
- Professional voice recordings in numerous languages
- Audio pre- and postproduction (post editing, mastering etc.)
- Project management
All things understanding and being understood
Are you organising an event with an international audience and want to be sure that everyone will be understood? Let us step in and arrange the most suitable interpreters and relevant technology – our services include on-site interpreting, distance interpreting, audio remote interpreting and video remote interpreting. Not only do the professional interpreters we work with have a wealth of experience in all subject areas, they are also reliable, completely trustworthy and incredibly discreet.
We would be happy to advise you on the right kind of interpreting for your event, plus any preparatory material and technology you may need. This could include:
- Simultaneous interpreting systems
- Tour guide systems
- Discussion systems
- Remote hubs
- Video platforms or online solutions (e.g. Zoom, Webex, VoiceBoxer)
We can provide you with the following types of interpreter:
- Simultaneous interpreters, e.g. for conferences or presentations
- Consecutive interpreters, e.g. for speeches or panel discussions
- Escort, liaison and dialogue, or chucotage (whispered) interpreters, e.g. for negotiations, on-site meetings or business dinners
- Remote interpreters, e.g. for virtual meetings, conferences or board meetings
Foreign Language Typesetting (DTP)
The right layout – line by line
As an agency that specialises in international communication, it goes without saying that we deliver texts with the perfect foreign language typesetting. We’ve got a real eye for characters and typeface standards, we abide by line breaking rules, and we take a localised approach to correctly implementing figures, units of measurement and punctuation and quotation marks.
But wait! There’s more… We deliver your target texts as a finished product, be that as a catalogue, manual or brochure – we can provide even user guides or packaging in the final layout. The benefit for you? You don’t have to worry about coordinating lots of different process steps – with us, you’ll simply receive an end product from a single source, while keeping to your desired deadline.
Our services in all things foreign-language typesetting:
- Complete rendering of texts in the target language, including localised formatting of figures or units of measurement
- Delivery of a fully finished end product such as a catalogue, manual or brochure
- Use of all common desktop publishing programs such as InDesign, FrameMaker, QuarkXPress, Visio, CorelDRAW and Office packages like Microsoft Office
- Secure exchange even for large data volumes, direct interface in Plunet BusinessManager
- Would you like more information about our services? Download our brochure here!