We don’t just talk about quality – we deliver it
Translations combine expert knowledge, technical translation expertise and a very good feel for language. Only with these tools can a text be translated appropriately to ensure it hits the right note – which is a very challenging task.
However, we hear from a lot of our clients that we have risen to this challenge and satisfied their expectations again and again, and that our language services are of the highest standard.
We would love the opportunity to demonstrate these high quality standards on your project.
Translation Memory
When translator and technology cooperate
Not every text is a literary masterpiece – the majority are functional texts, with recurring phrases and a very specific style of language.
So that our translators can concentrate on the part of the translation that requires human finesse, they use the CAT tool memoQ to provide the framework.
memoQ is a translation memory system (TMS) that allows texts to be translated more consistently. During the translation process, the entire document is stored in the TMS. Repetitions of sentences or entire segments are displayed automatically and can be used again if the translator considers it appropriate.
In order to achieve a high degree of precision and efficiency, we create an individual translation memory for each of our clients. This ensures consistent use of terminology – not only within a single text, but across all the documents we translate for you over our time working together.
But we are also flexible, and will be happy to use other tools for your order as long as they satisfy our quality standards.
Benefits for you regarding …
- Better quality – simplified approval
- Increased linguistic consistency
- A uniform corporate language
- Pinpointing a company’s area of expertise
- Integrating terminology databases to ensure that your corporate wording is applied correctly
- Shorter delivery times
- Translation of large and urgent projects by several translators without a loss of quality
- Cost savings for repetitive texts
- Shorter processing times thanks to re-use of existing translations
- Processing of all common file formats
Terminology Management
Dissolving agglomerates and coalescing droplets
Not everyone understands what that means. But if you work in the chemicals industry, you would use ‘agglomerate’ for ‘build-up’ and ‘coalesce’ instead of ‘join’. After all, using specialist vocabulary correctly is how you demonstrate your professional expertise.
Our company-specific glossaries, individual terminology lists and specialist databases help us to ensure that your texts use consistent corporate wording.
This means that technical terms and other phrases coined within your company are translated exactly the way you want – not using synonyms.
We can add existing company-specific terminology or glossaries to a database using the online terminology management function in our tool, memoQ, or we can build a database from scratch and cultivate it as we go along. Furthermore, we can also clean up and bring consistency to any terminology inventories you already have.
The terminology management tool allows us to enter the source, language direction, field, project and definition of a (new) term.
An overview of the benefits to you with regard to…
- Set-up, maintenance and management of terminology databases to bring consistency to your corporate language or corporate wording
- More consistent translations
- Importing, clean-up and standardisation of your existing terminology inventories
- Extraction of new terminology during the translation process
- Uniform use of language throughout your company
- Cost savings when re-using redundant texts
Selection of Translators
There are plenty of translators who know their stuff. However, you can be sure that we have the right one for you!
Wir wählen unsere Übersetzer anhand strenger Kriterien aus. Dazu gehören u. a. Qualifikation, Berufserfahrung und Referenzen. Auch die von ihnen eingesetzten technischen Hilfsmittel spielen bei der Bewertung eine Rolle.
Wenn die formalen Kriterien erfüllt sind, begleiten unsere erfahrenen Kollegen und Kolleginnen das neue Teammitglied über längere Zeit und lernen so die Spezialisierung eines jeden Übersetzers detailliert kennen.
So wissen wir genau, wer am besten für Ihren Auftrag geeignet ist.
Ihre Vorteile im Überblick in Bezug auf …
- Tried and tested teams of translators deliver consistently high quality
- We are constantly expanding and reviewing our network of translators
- We select the translator who is the best fit based on the type and subject matter of the text
- Quick turnaround times are no problem thanks to our large network
- We quickly cover holidays or sick leave using our large network to ensure that there are no delays during your project.
- Translators can communicate with each other when this is important for the project